Emmanuel Ordóñez Angulo*

I’m the Andrew W. Mellon Fellow in the Department of Philosophy at Rutgers and a Visiting Fellow at NYU. I received my Ph.D. from Oxford. My research is in epistemology and philosophy of mind; I am especially interested in the epistemic powers and limits of experience. I am also a contributor to The New York Review of Books.


When is a concept a priori? Noûs, forth.
On whether some moral concepts are, like logical and mathematical concepts, independent from experience.

Virtual terrors. Noûs, 2023
On whether we can experience the sufferings of others through technology.

What do we see when we see total darkness? Eur. J. Philos., 2017
On what the object of perception is in seeing total darkness.

Essays & criticism

‘Give me all the power’. New York Review of Books, 2023
On music and authoritarianism in Latin America.

Deadly myths. New York Review of Books, 2022
On the mystification of femicide in literature.

Carving up the amorphous lump. Times Literary Supplement, 2019
On Borges’ ‘Funes the memorious’.

An exhibition of shadows. Times Literary Supplement, 2019
On the mathematics of symmetry and space.


An empathy machine (talk & interview). BBC Radio 4


Rutgers, Fall 2023

Minds, machines, and persons
Rutgers, Spring 2023

Cinema and the mind
Oxford, Trinity 2021

Work in progress

Technologies of the Imagination
In preparation for Oxford University Press

Papers on: knowledge of infinity, knowledge of absences, self-reference in virtual experience, agency and self-alienation, the limits of audiovisual media

eo351[at]rutgers.edu, eo2329[at]nyu.edu